
My Life 私の人生を。


I love their croissant!!! AND now they have "Milk tea croissant", so couldn't stop trying that!

hmmmm!!Yum yum!!
The outside is incredibly crunchy, and we can enjoy the hot chocolate inside. Heaven!

サンマルクカフェ ね。

で、人生について考える。I was thinking about my life.
ペンはコンビニで買ったけど、紙がないから、隣のテーブルの慶應生であろう女性3人に声かけて、ノートの1ページを頂きました。I got a pen at the Conbini, but didn't have a paper, so asked the students-like girls the next table who were going to leave, and one of them gave me a page of her notebook! Thanks!

I also got a FIGARO, and read all. I didnt want to keep it,  so tried to sell at the used book store in my neighborhood. It's not "BOOK OFF". 

購入金額 how much I paid:¥670円
買い取り金額 how much I got:¥70円

損したんだか、良かったんだか、、、Isn't it good deal??

この古本屋は、雑誌は1割で買ってくれるらしい。This book store buy the old (only two months old) magazine in 10% of the price.
OK price, because I thought they only buy in 50 yen or less. Then they sell those in about ¥300. It might be a small business, but they are always full of people.

We need a time to think what we want, or what we want to do. 
Ask ourselves, and think ourselves.
I always return to the same answer. That should be the one.

Have a great weekend all!!!

2 件のコメント:

  1. れいなさん、久しぶりです。


    the following is what i wrote in my blog.
    3 Simple Questions : Hundreds millions Answers

    1. WHO AM I? (私はだれ?)
    2. WHY AM I HERE? (なんで私はここに生きている?)
    3. WHERE AM I GOING? (人生はどちらに向けば良いだろう?)

    I am the all-singing, all-dancing crap of this world.... I am the toxic waste by-product of God's creation.... I am not a beautiful and unique snowflake.... I am the same decaying organic matter as everyone else.... I just am.... I just am, and what happens just happens.

    Well, what's your answers?

  2. シントさん 
    コメント コップンカッ!(へへ)
    Thanks for your comment!!
    You also ask these kind of questions to yourself. yeah, I think we will not stop keep asking ourselves. Otherwise, we will be nobody.
    But one thing, I believe we all are beautiful, unique and different.

    So, what are you going to eat tonight?? haha!
