
VIVA!!! Akihabara!!!!! 秋葉原で見付けたものたち!!!!

Hi all,

I went to Akihabara to get a cell phone cover yesterday. My phone is like i phone, but "Android" by "au", Japanese cell phone company. 

All Japanese people think Akihabara 秋葉原 is definitely for Otaku people. You will see many geeks there with glasses, big backpack, and wetty hair. But I love there even though I have no interest in any Anime, Manga, and electric stuff because Akihabara is totally different world for me! 

I found "Famicon, family computer", "Captain Tsubasa", many porn Manga for guys and girls...

Many Gaijins are there also, and they seems so excited! Enjoy Tokyo!!!

Akihabara is celebrating Chinese New Year.

 Guess what? For cell phone,, yum!!